Heal the Soul: Transform the Trauma of Lifetimes into Wisdom

Heal the Soul: Transform the Trauma of Lifetimes into Wisdom

Are you constantly sabotaging your efforts to create the life you want? Do you ever have emotional reactions that seem extreme, considering the size of the incident that triggered the emotional crisis? From my personal experience, this usually happens when a current life situation triggers an old pattern, often bleeding through from a past life.

There are many ways to heal and resolve old emotional issues, or ‘unfinished business’ held onto by the soul. As I have collected healing tools over the years, I recognize that each new tool helps me access what has been hidden in different ways.

My favorite new method is Tony Litster’s Rewilding Process, which uses presence, breath, movement and sound to gently unpack old subconscious patterns. Through the Rewilding process, the nervous system can heal from past traumas. You can then live your life, creating what you want, free of the subconscious program that no longer served you.

This is a section out of a my journal from Mar 18, 2023 which, in my mind, demonstrates how much our way of being can be affected by these old programs:

As I was lying in bed this morning, still dark outside, what came up to heal was a feeling of not wanting to grow up. I could tell it was something that was affecting my ability to have a successful and prosperous business.

I decided to use some of Tony Litster’s Rewilding process to start to unpack the issue. What emotional trauma or circumstance made it so that this morning, the thought of growing up was bringing tears to my eyes?

Lying in bed, I start to undulate my spine. In Tony’s work, undulating your spine stimulates the vagus nerve. As I do this, my emotions start to become more intense.

As I am focused on having to grow up, not wanting to grow up, being afraid to grow up was present.

I started doing Tony’s pillow hugging technique and making noises while rocking back and forth. To my surprise, when I decided to ‘om’, I got a violent, very visceral response, with my body jerking suddenly.

“Hmm,” I thought. “This must be an India lifetime thing.” I have had an aversion to going to India, and have already uncovered several lifetimes of bad experiences as girls/women in India. I heal each ‘layer of the onion’ as they come up. Still I haven’t been ready to make the trip, so I know there could be more.

Going in gently, as Tony suggests, I decided to hum my om’s, going up and down the scale with each om.

Doing that, I came to a place where I was a little girl, about 5, in the untouchable class in India.

It made total sense! I felt her pain, her struggle and her distress as she saw her sisters and older girls grow up. Life never really got better for any of them as they grew up, because they would always be in the untouchable class.

It would not work to comfort her, and say that things will be alright, and then leave her there in that life.

I chose instead, to take her out of her time and her life. I invited her to come with me, where she could grow into a beautiful woman, in a different time and place. Where the women of India have started to stand up and create change.

And I shared with her that she can be part of the Ancient Secrets community where we are spreading contagious love and contagious healing around the world, including in India.

We are both so much happier now!

Following up, as I am typing this two days later, I feel an interesting mix of peace and excitement at the thought of growing up, because the part of me that had been stuck in that past life has been healed and she has grown into an empowered friend on the journey.

There are many ways to heal. I hope this story gives you some ideas that can help you uupack and heal your old baggage in a gentle, loving and playful way!

Robin Lee
Health and Longevity Coach



